The references listet here are used in the extendet project proposal

1. Motivation: The Grand Challenge Humanity Faces

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2. Core Research Aims of the Back to the Holocene Project

55. Sovacool, B. K. Reckless or righteous? Reviewing the sociotechnical benefits and risks of climate change geoengineering. Energy Strategy Reviews 35, 100656 (2021).

56. Reynolds, J. L. Solar geoengineering to reduce climate change: a review of governance proposals. Proc. R. Soc. A. 475, 20190255 (2019).

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58. Rueda, O., Mogollón, J. M., Tukker, A. & Scherer, L. Negative-emissions technology portfolios to meet the 1.5 °C target. Global Environmental Change 67, 102238 (2021).

59. Ellenbeck, S. & Lilliestam, J. How modelers construct energy costs: Discursive elements in Energy System and Integrated Assessment Models. Energy Research & Social Science 47, 69–77 (2019).

60. Victoria, M. et al. Solar photovoltaics is ready to power a sustainable future. Joule (2021) doi:10.1016/j.joule.2021.03.005.

61. Nikas, A., Doukas, H. & Papandreou, A. A Detailed Overview and Consistent Classification of Climate-Economy Models. in Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy: Multidisciplinary Methods and Tools for a Low Carbon Society (eds. Doukas, H., Flamos, A. & Lieu, J.) 1–54 (Springer International Publishing, 2019). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03152-7_1.

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64. Robertson, S. Transparency, trust, and integrated assessment models: An ethical consideration for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. WIREs Clim Change 12, (2021).

65. Asefi-Najafabady, S., Villegas-Ortiz, L. & Morgan, J. The failure of Integrated Assessment Models as a response to ‘climate emergency’ and ecological breakdown: the Emperor has no clothes. Globalizations 1–11 (2020) doi:10.1080/14747731.2020.1853958.

66. Xiao, M., Junne, T., Haas, J. & Klein, M. Plummeting costs of renewables – Are energy scenarios lagging? Energy Strategy Reviews 35, 100636 (2021).

67. Jaxa-Rozen, M. & Trutnevyte, E. Sources of uncertainty in long-term global scenarios of solar photovoltaic technology. Nature Climate Change 11, 266–273 (2021).

68. Bogdanov, D. et al. Radical transformation pathway towards sustainable electricity via evolutionary steps. Nature Communications 10, 1077 (2019).

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74. Pezzey, J. C. V. Why the social cost of carbon will always be disputed. WIREs Clim Change 10, e558 (2019).

75. Keen, S. The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change. Globalizations 1–29 (2020) doi:10.1080/14747731.2020.1807856.

76. Prina, M. G., Manzolini, G., Moser, D., Nastasi, B. & Sparber, W. Classification and challenges of bottom-up energy system models – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 129, 109917 (2020).

77. Hansen, K., Breyer, C. & Lund, H. Status and perspectives on 100% renewable energy systems. Energy 175, 471–480 (2019).

78. Bogdanov, D., Gulagi, A., Fasihi, M. & Breyer, C. Full energy sector transition towards 100% renewable energy supply: Integrating power, heat, transport and industry sectors including desalination. Applied Energy 283, 116273 (2021).

79. Child, M., Bogdanov, D., Aghahosseini, A. & Breyer, C. The role of energy prosumers in the transition of the Finnish energy system towards 100 % renewable energy by 2050. Futures 124, 102644 (2020).

80. Bogdanov, D., Toktarova, A. & Breyer, C. Transition towards 100% renewable power and heat supply for energy intensive economies and severe continental climate conditions: Case for Kazakhstan. Applied Energy 253, 113606 (2019).

81. Lopez, G. et al. Pathway to a fully sustainable energy system for Bolivia across power, heat, and transport sectors by 2050. Journal of Cleaner Production 293, 126195 (2021).

82. Ram, M. et al. 100% Renewable Europe: How To Make Europe’s Energy System Climate-Neutral Before 2050. (2020).

83. Barbosa, L. de S. N. S., Bogdanov, D., Vainikka, P. & Breyer, C. Hydro, wind and solar power as a base for a 100% renewable energy supply for South and Central America. PLOS ONE 12, e0173820 (2017).

84. Gulagi, A., Choudhary, P., Bogdanov, D. & Breyer, C. Electricity system based on 100% renewable energy for India and SAARC. PLOS ONE 12, e0180611 (2017). 63

85. Ram, M. et al. Global Energy System Based on 100% Renewable Energy. 321 (2019).

86. Aghahosseini, A. & Breyer, C. From hot rock to useful energy: A global estimate of enhanced geothermal systems potential. Applied Energy 279, 115769 (2020).

87. Ghorbani, N., Makian, H. & Breyer, C. A GIS-based method to identify potential sites for pumped hydro energy storage – Case of Iran. Energy 169, 854–867 (2019).

88. Mensah, O. T., Oyewo, A. S. & Breyer, C. The role of biomass in sub-Saharan Africa’s fully renewable power sector – The case of Ghana. Renewable Energy (2021) doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.03.098.

89. Krey, V. et al. MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM Documentation. (2020) doi:10.22022/iacc/03-2021.17115.

90. Luderer, G. et al. Description of the REMIND Model (Version 1.6). SSRN Electronic Journal (2015) doi:10.2139/ssrn.2697070.

91. Lund, H. & Thellufsen, J. Z. EnergyPLAN – Advanced Energy Systems Analysis Computer Model. (Zenodo, 2020). doi:10.5281/zenodo.4017214.

92. Heaps, C. G. LEAP: The Low Emissions Analysis Platform. [Software version: 2020.1.29]. (2021).

93. Loulou, R., Goldstein, G., Kanudia, A., Lenttila, A. & Remme, U. Documentation for the TIMES Model. (2016).

94. Howells, M. et al. OSeMOSYS: The Open Source Energy Modeling System: An introduction to its ethos, structure and development. Energy Policy 39, 5850–5870 (2011).

95. Brown, T., Hörsch, J. & Schlachtberger, D. PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis. Journal of Open Research Software 6, 4 (2018).

Research Methods for LUT-ESTM 2.0: A Leap Forward in Energy Systems and Carbon Dioxide Removal Infrastructure Planning

96. Minx, J. C. et al. Negative emissions—Part 1: Research landscape and synthesis. Environmental Research Letters 13, 063001 (2018).

97. Fajardy, M. et al. The economics of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) deployment in a 1.5 °C or 2 °C world. Global Environmental Change 68, 102262 (2021).

98. Fuss, S. et al. Negative emissions—Part 2: Costs, potentials and side effects. Environmental Research Letters 13, 063002 (2018).

99. Nemet, G. F. et al. Negative emissions—Part 3: Innovation and upscaling. Environmental Research Letters 13, 063003 (2018).

100. Creutzig, F. et al. The mutual dependence of negative emission technologies and energy systems. Energy Environ. Sci. 12, 1805–1817 (2019).

101. Fasihi, M., Efimova, O. & Breyer, C. Techno-economic assessment of CO2 direct air capture plants. Journal of Cleaner Production 224, 957–980 (2019).

102. Breyer, C., Fasihi, M. & Aghahosseini, A. Carbon dioxide direct air capture for effective climate change mitigation based on renewable electricity: a new type of energy system sector coupling. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 25, 43–65 (2020).

103. Breyer, C., Fasihi, M., Bajamundi, C. & Creutzig, F. Direct Air Capture of CO2: A Key Technology for Ambitious Climate Change Mitigation. Joule 3, 2053–2057 (2019).

104. Williamson, P. Emissions reduction: Scrutinize CO2 removal methods. Nature 530, 153–155 (2016).

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110. Veldman, J. W. et al. Where Tree Planting and Forest Expansion are Bad for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. BioScience 65, 1011–1018 (2015).

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113. Monastersky, R. Seabed scars raise questions over carbon-storage plan. Nature 504, 339–340 (2013).

114. Aghahosseini, A. & Breyer, C. Assessment of geological resource potential for compressed air energy storage in global electricity supply. Energy Conversion and Management 169, 161–173 (2018).

115. Ram, M., Gulagi, A., Bogdanov, D. & Aghahosseini, A. Building Blocks of India’s Energy Future: North India’s Energy Transition based on Renewables. (2020).

116. Ghorbani, N., Aghahosseini, A. & Breyer, C. Assessment of a cost-optimal power system fully based on renewable energy for Iran by 2050 – Achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions and overcoming the water crisis. Renewable Energy 146, 125–148 (2020).

117. Oyewo, A. S. et al. Just transition towards defossilised energy systems for developing economies: A case study of Ethiopia. Renewable Energy S0960148121007059 (2021) doi:10.1016/j.renene.2021.05.029.

118. Gulagi, A. et al. Transition pathway towards 100% renewable energy across the sectors of power, heat, transport, and desalination for the Philippines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144, 110934 (2021).

119. Oyewo, A. S., Aghahosseini, A., Ram, M., Lohrmann, A. & Breyer, C. Pathway towards achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2050 for South Africa. Solar Energy 191, 549–565 (2019).

120. Solomon, A. A., Bogdanov, D. & Breyer, C. Solar driven net zero emission electricity supply with negligible carbon cost: Israel as a case study for Sun Belt countries. Energy 155, 87–104 (2018).

121. Kilickaplan, A. et al. An energy transition pathway for Turkey to achieve 100% renewable energy powered electricity, desalination and non-energetic industrial gas demand sectors by 2050. Solar Energy 158, 218–235 (2017).

122. Satymov, R., Bogdanov, D., & Breyer, C. The Value of Fast Transitioning to a Fully Sustainable Energy System: The Case of Turkmenistan. IEEE Access 9, 13590–13611 (2021).

123. Gulagi, A., Ram, M., Solomon, A. A., Khan, M. & Breyer, C. Current energy policies and possible transition scenarios adopting renewable energy: A case study for Bangladesh. Renewable Energy 155, 899–920 (2020).

124. Renewable Energy Institute, Agora Energiewende & LUT University. Renewable pathways to climate-neutral Japan. (2021).

125. Azzuni, A. et al. Energy Security Analysis for a 100% Renewable Energy Transition in Jordan by 2050. Sustainability 12, 4921 (2020).

126. Osorio Aravena, J. C. et al. The role of solar PV, wind energy, and storage technologies in the transition toward a fully sustainable energy system in Chile by 2050 across power, 65

heat, transport and desalination sectors. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 77-94 Sider (2020) doi:10.5278/IJSEPM.3385.

127. Sadiqa, A., Gulagi, A. & Breyer, C. Energy transition roadmap towards 100% renewable energy and role of storage technologies for Pakistan by 2050. Energy 147, 518–533 (2018).

128. Oyewo, A. S., Aghahosseini, A., Bogdanov, D. & Breyer, C. Pathways to a fully sustainable electricity supply for Nigeria in the mid-term future. Energy Conversion and Management 178, 44–64 (2018).

129. Caldera, U., Bogdanov, D., Afanasyeva, S. & Breyer, C. Role of Seawater Desalination in the Management of an Integrated Water and 100% Renewable Energy Based Power Sector in Saudi Arabia. Water 10, 3 (2017).

130. Child, M., Breyer, C., Bogdanov, D. & Fell, H.-J. The role of storage technologies for the transition to a 100% renewable energy system in Ukraine. Energy Procedia 135, 410–423 (2017).

131. Enebish, N., Breyer, C. & Bogdanov, D. OPTIONS FOR MONGOLIA IN ENERGY TRANSITION TO 100% RENEWABLES. in 58 (2018).

132. de Souza Noel Simas Barbosa, L., Orozco, J. F., Bogdanov, D., Vainikka, P. & Breyer, C. Hydropower and Power-to-gas Storage Options: The Brazilian Energy System Case. Energy Procedia 99, 89–107 (2016).

133. Pregger, T. et al. Future Fuels—Analyses of the Future Prospects of Renewable Synthetic Fuels. Energies 13, 138 (2019).

134. Leonard, M., Pisani-Ferry, J., Shapiro, J., Tagliapietra, S. & Wolff, G. The geopolitics of the European Green Deal. (2021).

135. Gulagi, A., Ram, M. & Breyer, C. Role of the transmission grid and solar wind complementarity in mitigating the monsoon effect in a fully sustainable electricity system for India. IET Renewable Power Generation 14, 254-262(8) (2020).

136. Gulagi, A., Bogdanov, D. & Breyer, C. The role of storage technologies in energy transition pathways towards achieving a fully sustainable energy system for India. Journal of Energy Storage 17, 525–539 (2018).

137. Pfenninger, S., DeCarolis, J., Hirth, L., Quoilin, S. & Staffell, I. The importance of open data and software: Is energy research lagging behind? Energy Policy 101, 211–215 (2017).

138. Cao, K.-K., Cebulla, F., Gómez Vilchez, J. J., Mousavi, B. & Prehofer, S. Raising awareness in model-based energy scenario studies—a transparency checklist. Energy, Sustainability and Society 6, 28 (2016).

139. Vartiainen, E., Masson, G., Breyer, C., Moser, D. & Román Medina, E. Impact of weighted average cost of capital, capital expenditure, and other parameters on future utility-scale PV levelised cost of electricity. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 28, 439–453 (2020).

140. Krey, V. et al. Looking under the hood: A comparison of techno-economic assumptions across national and global integrated assessment models. Energy 172, 1254–1267 (2019).

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142. Breyer, C. et al. North-East Asian Super Grid: Renewable energy mix and economics. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 08KJ01 (2015).

143. Larson, E. et al. Net-Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, and Impacts. (2020).

144. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Annual Technology Baseline Data. 66

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